ZEMCH109 2020

Since our early concept for a Feasibility Study to build an ‘eco-house’, we have trained in installation for ground source heat pumps and wind turbines, travelled the globe talking about the project to academics and scientists who are waiting with bated breath to see the project come to life.

In 2012, one year’s worth of live data for one family’s energy consumption was collated – we believe that collecting data on the habits and usage of gas, electricity and water in a ‘live’ environment may have been a first – the aim of this analysis was to compare the functionality and energy efficiency of the new house compared to the old one next door. Why, you may ask is it so important to build the first house in Prestwick beside the existing house in the terrace? Because it’s our family home and we love Prestwick. Also, so that the performance of the new building can be directly compared to the existing one as it shares the same climate and therefore the optimum place to compare the data. ZEMCH Network collected the first set of data and will arrange the collection of the energy performance of the new build, hence we named the proposed new house as ZEMCH109.

Conference Proceedings

You can read the full conference proceedings here taken from ZEMCH2012, the world’s first ZEMCH International Conference that was hosted by Dr Noguchi at the Mackintosh School of Architecture, The Glasgow School of Art.

These are the quick links to the ZEMCH109 academic papers from ZEMCH2012: